And to think that he went from this:

To this in just one short year:
And it's been quite the amazing year. But no time to think about the past, the boy keeps me going so much I can't remember last week.
We had a little birthday celebration for Linden with just the family because in all honesty he had no clue it was his birthday and he's not going to remember it. It was also Mother's day so we killed two birds with one stone. And I assure everyone that no birds were harmed in the making of this blog post. We also got some fantastic news during the birthday/mother's day party. It would seem that my sister-in-law has went and got herself in the "family way" and is due at the beginner of December. The way she told us was priceless. Hubby had went into the house (yes, we actually had one day where we could take Linden outside) to change Linden's diaper and Tanya followed him in. Later, while we were downstairs eating, hubby mentioned to his mother that Linden felt a little warm and maybe she should take his hoody off (no, not his Hurley one, I believe it was an orange Tigger one). Long story short, when Tanya had gone inside while hubby was changing Linden's diaper, they had put a shirt on him that said "I'm getting a cousin". Now it took a little prompting on our part to actually get the parents to read the shirt but in the end it all turned out great.
So it goes without saying that Christmas should be interesting. A newborn and a rambunctious 1 and a half old. I'm tired just thinking about it.
Do you hear that? If you listen very closely, you should be able to hear my bed calling me...... so tune again, sometime in the future. Different time, same bad channel.
And remember: "The purple monkey flies backwards at midnight"
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