Sunday, June 7, 2009

Running for the cure.

A runner I am not. But it's one of those things I've always wanted to do. I've always dreamt of running the local 10 miles road race that is put on every Icelandic Festival Weekend. And now, I'm determined that within the next 5 years, I will run it. Going to start small, because like I said before a runner I am not. I found this "Couch to 5 km run" training program online and being one week into it, I like it. The basics of it is this: run for a minute, walk for 1.5 minutes. You do this for one week (3x a week) and then you move onto Week 2. Basically by the end of 8 weeks, you should be able to do a 5KM run. Which coincdentally is the length of the "CIBC RUN FOR THE CURE" which I have signed up to run this coming October.

Anyhoo, not quite sure why I felt the need to share this, maybe it's psychological that if I tell people my goal, I'll be more likely to reach it. Or it could be just so my bud Kirsten has something to read when she gets home from work. But for which ever reason it is, my supper is almost ready and I need to eat!

1 comment:

**kirsten** said...

and what a nice surprise it was to find something to read

now i'm even more glad i figured out why the computer insisted there was no dial tone for me to get online with for the last 3 days instead of making supper (priorities) but now i'm really hungry so i'm going to go burn a couple grilled cheese sandwiches


oh and i'm way too tired for punctuation and capitalization tonight

my feet say they are sure we walked 5k at work today but have no interest in running it