Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time flies when you're having fun!!!!!

I have a hard time believing that my baby is one week old already. And yet, part of me feels like he's been a part of our family forever. I really can't complain tough, Linden is a darn good baby. I took two weeks off before my due date from work just to relax and get some stuff done around the house. I took to watching Bringing Home Baby on TLC almost everyday and the stories from this show really kinda made me a little nervous about bringing Linden home, but it's been nothing like you see on tv. Yeah he wakes me up in the middle of the night, but I knew that would happen going in. And really he only wakes up once, maybe twice a night. He gets his bottle, I change his diaper and he goes back to sleep.

The one thing I've never understood is people who have a baby and then decide that you can't have a social life and must stay home at all time with the baby. Neither me nor Garrett believe that train of thought. We truly believe that while your life does change with a baby, it only changes as much as you let it. My case in point. Garrett and I have always been very social, active people, we are not the type of people to sit at home all the time in front of the tv. So why would this change just because of Linden? The day after we brought him home from the hospital we took him to visit Garrett's Grandma who doesn't get around very well and then we stopped by the bowling alley for our friends son's birthday party. Granted, we didn't stay very long, just long enough for everyone to see Linden and for us to get out for a bit and then it was time to go home to feed Linden.

Since then Linden has been out somewhere everyday. Saturday night we went out to dinner with my parent's to their friends house and Linden was quite content to either sleep in his car seat or to be passed around between Grandma and Grandpa.

So all in all its been a really good week and we're all starting to get into a routine. Well actually, Linden has done a really good job of getting me and Garrett into his routine.

I can't wait to see what week two brings our way.


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