Lately I've been really missing work, not that they really ever give me a chance to miss them since usually once a week I'm being called in to fix something. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being a mom and being home with Linden, but my job is such a big part of what makes me, me that I'm starting to miss it. That and I hate not knowing what's going on in town.
Linden wasn't feeling the greatest last week, so we pretty much stayed close to home. And after a talk with a friend of the family who happens to be a doctor, we decided that a change in formula was needed. Within 24 hours my baby was back to being himself. I really HATE the helpless feeling that comes along with not knowing what is wrong with your baby because they can't tell you, but you know something is wrong. And to add insult to injury, just as he was starting to feel better with the formula change, BLAM!!!! it's time to go see the doctor and get his two month needles. But he's a trooper and only cried for a few minutes.

I made the decision that every month we are going to take a picture of Linden beside the same giant teddy bear, aka BOB, so that we can look back and see the changes in him. And change he has. We have really noticed in the last couple of weeks that he is way more alert and interactive. When I go into his room in the mornings and say "good morning" I always get the biggest smile, and that makes the early mornings totally worth it. Sometimes I forget that he's only 2 months old because he looks like such a little man.
It was a big month for Linden, Canada Day brought his first fireworks, which he slept through and he first parade. He's totally my child, he loved the bag pipe music. It's that Scottish DNA coming out. And as he grows older, he will also learn to love plaid. I wonder what Garrett would think if I got one of my family members in Scotland to send me a little kilt for Linden? That could be interesting.
Also this month, our close friends welcomed their little baby girl into the world after 36 hours of labor and a c-section. (Side note: Suddenly my 10 hours doesn't seem so bad). You will notice that there is no name for the baby in this post, that is because there is some debate as to what the name is. Garrett, Linden and I went to visit the new family in the hospital on Friday and they had not decided on a name yet but were leaning towards Kayla. Now flash forward to Sunday morning and talking to the proud grandfather. We ask, "So did they decide on a name yet?" To which he replies that they named their little girl Kyla. Now hopefully you see where the debate is. I have't actually called my friend yet to find out for sure, I thought I would give them some time at home to get some rest and settle in.
So, that's about it for the last couple of weeks in our house. Well, there was our quasi grad class reunion, but I think that deserves it's own post.
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