Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Routines, and lists and going green

So in my ever evolving escapade of trying to get my life organized and get myself into somewhat of a routine, I do believe I opened a can of worms today. I sat down at my computer this afternoon and was researching household cleaning routines that wouldn't take a whole day but would help me keep my need for a clean house in check while still allowing me time with Linden. From there, it developed into researching and developing a workout routine for myself that will help me get back to my pre-pregnancy self, physically. And that again branched off into looking at different ways I can make our home more Linden and environmentally friendly. I've always tried to recycle when I would remember, but I recently placed a rubber tub right beside my garbage can to put the recyclables in, as opposed to putting them in the garbage.

Why this change in my train of thought. Well, I really do believe that having a child has really made me want to be a better person, and I want him to learn that there are simple things that he can do that will help the environment and make all of our lives healthier.

I know that getting my house cleaning routine, fitness routine and the other lifestyle changes I would like to make won't happen over night (much to the dismay of my inner perfectionist who likes results immediately) I'm committed for the long-haul. Now only if I could train my hubby that it's easier to spend 10 minutes a day tidying up than to have me nag at him because I have to spend an entire day cleaning the house. Really, is it so hard to put your socks in the hamper when you take them off for the day? But I digress. I'm not perfect (again, much to the dismay of my inner perfectionist) I can put things off just as good as the next person, but I really do believe that organization and routine is good for everyone's well-being.

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