It was recently brought to my attention that I had not paid any attention to this blog in quite a while. And it wasn't until I read it, that in fact it has been a while..... almost 5 months to be exact. Where has the time gone????? In a nutshell, it has gone to spending every spare minute of my day with the most handsome, charming little boy ever..... Linden. It's been a very busy and interesting couple of months and here is a brief recap, (considering I can't remember what I did last week, we'll see what I can remember from 5 months ago).
The first weekend of August was like every other August long weekend in Gimli. Icelandic Festival weekend. Which at work we call, well I'm pretty sure this is a family site so I can't say it. But I'm sure you can figure it out. What with an influx of up to 50,000 people, bars open until 3:00am, and packs of roving teenagers and adults who feel that the laws go out the window for the festival weekend. This is the one weekend of the year that it is MANDATORY that the office staff work (fyi: I work in a police station). Being that I was on Maternity leave, the office was automatically down one person. Usually this would be bad enough but no, it got worse. There happened to be major staffing changes while I was on leave and that left only one clerk to work in the office and she only had 2 weeks experience. So I, being the dutiful employee that I am, volunteered to come in and work the night shifts for that weekend. And work I did, I believe I ended up working over 22 hours between 7:00PM Saturday and 3:00 AM Monday morning. Add to this a baby that still wasn't sleeping through the night and a husband who needed to be at his job in the mornings. It was a long weekend, but it was nice to get back to work, if even for a short and STRESSFUL time and who doesn't like to feel appreciated.
The rest of August consisted of Folklorama where my dance students were performing, a couple of weddings and spending time with friends and family. The rest of the month pretty much paled in comparision to going to work for that one weekend. (Those who know me, and know what happened this August in Gimli will know what I'm talking about).
September and October
Nothing really happened in September or October worth writing home about. Linden got bigger, and so did his personality. Man is that kid a character and a flirt. Give him a room full of people and he's bound to put on a show.
What an interesting month. I went back to work full-time and my hubby took some parental leave and stayed home with Linden. While it felt really good to get back to work, a part of me really missed being at home with my baby. But, the smiles I got everyday when I got home from work made it all worth it. I'm one of those people that needs to be doing something, I need a routine and to feel productive and with the weather turning colder out, getting out of the house was becoming less and less and cabin fever was starting to set in. I had absolutely no reservations about Garrett staying home with Linden everyday, he is absolutely wonderful and Linden is a true Daddy's boy.
So back to work..... It probably took me a good two weeks to get back into the swing of things and remember how to do everything. It did take me at least three weeks to get my desk back in order and find all of the desk supplies that had been pilfered off my desk while I was gone. But man does it feel good to be back and to feel needed. At the risk of sounding conceted, I really don't know how they survived without me, I mean half of them can't even send a fax without screwing something up. As the boss said on my first day back, "The techno geek is back". And by no means am I a techno geek, I'm just not a techno tard and know my way around a computer.
Linden was teething something terrible and finally on November 30th he started cutting his first tooth. Now he has his bottom front two teeth and must chew on everything, but his favorite things to chew on are our fingers and noses.
December was a big month for us and I do believe that the two big events that happened deserve their own entries, which I promise to get to before summer.
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