Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The thing about small towns is......

Mechanics can pretty much charge whatever they like and get away with it. I just finished paying $300 to have one window fixed in my car and an oil change. And why did I pay this outrageous price, because I had no other choice. My usual mechanic is unavailable until April and well, having your driver's door window fall down into the abyss of the door in February is not such a good thing. So, being that it really did need to get fixed, I took it against my better judgement to one of the dealerships in town. It just so happens that we take all of our vehicle from work there and both of my in-laws work there also. Therefore one would like to think that they would get at least decent service.

I guess I made the fatal error of mentioning that I had another vehicle that I could use since my parents are out of town. It took a week to get it fixed, now granted two of those days the world (well my world at least) stood still because of a freak warm spell and rain in February, but really how long could it possibly take to replace 2 plastic clips? Which I might add, better be coated in gold if I ever take the door apart to look. Seriously? $68.00 for a little plasitc clip!!!!!!! And explain to me this, 1 window, 2 clips, 2 different prices for each clip! Something sounds a little fishy to me. Especially since I could probably go online and find them for, oh I don't know, $5.00.

But really, the price is not the best part of the story. The best part is this. Turn the clock back to Friday. At this point they had had the vehicle for 1 week already, and it was getting to the end of the day. The service department is not open on weekends and because of the civic holiday would not be open on Monday (yesterday). So the outlook of having my vehicle back for the weekend was getting kind of grim, because as previously mentioned I had another vehicle to drive, therefore they could take their sweet time. But I digress. At approximately 5 o'clock, while sitting down to have a quick supper with the hubby before he went to hockey, the phone rings. It is one of my co-workers informing me that the shop had called and if I could get there before 6, they would leave my keys at the front desk. I thought it a little odd that they phoned my work, considering I left a message at the service department that morning to call my cell phone. But I didn't really care, I was just happy to get my car back for the weekend. Now, fast forward to Tuesday. Around 11 o'clock this morning I call my house to listen to any messages left on our machine. There is one from the service station saying that my bill is ready and if I would kindly come pay it. The punch line of this was, they couldn't be bothered to look up my home phone number to tell me that my car is ready, but they sure had no problem calling when the bill was ready.

Gotta love small towns!

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