Who ever it was that coined the term "pigs" when referring to police officers must have spent some time in my office. Sometimes I wonder whether I work in a police detachment or a daycare centre. And Monday's have to be the worst day. Why you ask? Because the officers are left completely unstupidvised all weekend and come Monday morning when the office staff gets to work, the office is usually in such a mess that it takes about an hour to get things organized enough to start work. You see, Monday through Friday there are three of us "support staff" but really we run that place and a good portion of our day is spent organizing (one of many reasons I love my job) and making sure things are in their correct places. All in the quest of avoiding the inevitable Wes-o-gram.
So imagine leaving 6 teenage boys home alone all weekend, well the same can be said about the mess 6 officers can leave in a weekend. And heaven forbid we have "guests" because Bill the guard, bless his heart, always brings the treats. But again, like teenagers, my officers are totally incapable of taking the empty chip bag off the filing cabinet and putting it in the garbage. "I'm allergic to the bag" one said to me when called on his inability to throw things out. I replied in true Carrie fashion "You're going to allergic alright, to my foot up your a$$!!!" The worst part is surprisingly not the food everywhere. What bugs me the most is that the last thing I do everyday before going home is make sure my desk is nice and clean, coffee cup washed and ready for the next day, files tidied, a place for everything and everything in it's place (have I mentioned I'm self-diagnosed OCD). And nothing irks me more than coming to work on Monday morning and having to spend 30 minutes finding all my stuff. Come on really, you didn't think I would notice my coffee cup gone.... it has my name on it!!! As does my stapler and various other office related tools. Coming in and finding my desk a mess, with files just strewn over it, is enough to make me want to walk out the door and go home.
Sidenote: I was told by my Sergeant not to be a smart a$$ one day. I told him, "But that's what Carrie's do best." He had no chance but to agree with me.
Hey! I never said I was any more mature than the people I work with. I just clean up after myself.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
And the award goes to
The award to which I refer is the "Mother of the Year Award". And I highly doubt I'll be getting it. Linden is becoming quite mobile which would not be a bad thing except for the fact that he has no fear. Add on top of this new found mobility the fact that he is cutting his two top teeth to go along with the bottom two and you have disaster in the making. This morning, while walking along the furniture Linden took a little spill and smacked his mouth on his wooden rocking chair and cut his top lip open. There was blood everywhere...... okay.... not everwhere just mostly on my white top. The good news... he'll survive, it barely slowed him down. The bad news, and the evidence of my not getting the mother of the year award.........
That's right. My boy is crying because he hurt himself, hubby is mocking him and I'm taking pictures. But of course we made sure he was okay first.
A little thing I like to call....
Me and Kirsten time. It's a legally binding contract that I have with my best bud. No really... I have the contract on my computer at work. I'm not exactly sure of the actual legality of it, but there sure is a lot of legal mumbo jumbo in it.
But I digress. Unfortunately this little thing we call life has gotten in the way of "our time" lately and we really have had to fight to schedule it. Between work, kids, kids work (hers, not mine), hubbys, hockey and dancing, it's been tough and I'll be the first to say it, I miss it. Whether it is just sitting at her kitchen table drinking coffee or partaking in a little thing we like to call playing with paper. Luckily, my hubby is pretty much done reffing hockey for the season and was able to stay home with Linden on Friday night and Kirsten and I were able to spend some time playing with paper.
However, since I don't get to do this often, my creativity seems to have faded
and I was having a hard time thinking of any ideas. So I popped over to Kirsten's scrapbooking blog and took a peek at one of the challenges she had posted. And I give her full credit for this layout because I basically stole her idea. And here it is in all it's glory
As a sidenote: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this picture of my boy. And I can't even take credit for that either. Hubby took it one day while I was at work.
So hopefully now that hockey is over, I'll get more opportunities to scrapbook becaues I really do enjoy it. (I think it plays well into my self-diagnosed OCD)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
spring is in the air
And I am loving it. Not only does it mean that sometime in the near future winter will end but it also means that I can again open my windows. I'm one of the weird people who love the smell of fresh air and as soon as it's not minus 1 million degrees outside, my windows are open.
What else does the coming of spring bring.... SPRING CLEANING!!!!!
And I do love to spring clean. Out with the old and in with the new. On my agenda for my spring cleaning this year is to convince hubby that he needs to clean out his closet and dresser and get rid of all his old clothes that he doesn't wear. I swear he had shirts he has never ever worn, but heaven forbid I throw them out or rather donate them to the second hand store. We usually do the later. So that covers the out with the old. What's the in with the new you might be asking yourself .
Well here it is, nothing fancy, but we decided that we wanted a new bed. Did we need a new bed? Probably not. But we both have been wanting to get a king-sized bed for a while now, so yesterday we drove into Winnipeg in father in law's truck and proceeded to buy a new bed. I can't wait to sleep in it tonight.
So today has been a combination of my usual cleaning routine, laundry, taking apart the old bed, putting together the new bed, getting odd little jobs done around the house, and all this while hubby is away at a hockey game. I do get more done when he's not around. My dad came over and installed our new thermostat. Our new one is digital and programmable. I'm so excited to see if it saves me the 33% on my hydro bill that the package says.
Well, the bathrooms are not cleaning themselves......... someone should definitely invent a self-cleaning bathroom. I would totally buy four of them.
What else does the coming of spring bring.... SPRING CLEANING!!!!!
And I do love to spring clean. Out with the old and in with the new. On my agenda for my spring cleaning this year is to convince hubby that he needs to clean out his closet and dresser and get rid of all his old clothes that he doesn't wear. I swear he had shirts he has never ever worn, but heaven forbid I throw them out or rather donate them to the second hand store. We usually do the later. So that covers the out with the old. What's the in with the new you might be asking yourself .
Well here it is, nothing fancy, but we decided that we wanted a new bed. Did we need a new bed? Probably not. But we both have been wanting to get a king-sized bed for a while now, so yesterday we drove into Winnipeg in father in law's truck and proceeded to buy a new bed. I can't wait to sleep in it tonight.
So today has been a combination of my usual cleaning routine, laundry, taking apart the old bed, putting together the new bed, getting odd little jobs done around the house, and all this while hubby is away at a hockey game. I do get more done when he's not around. My dad came over and installed our new thermostat. Our new one is digital and programmable. I'm so excited to see if it saves me the 33% on my hydro bill that the package says.
Well, the bathrooms are not cleaning themselves......... someone should definitely invent a self-cleaning bathroom. I would totally buy four of them.
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